Let's see how it works
If you have a local business then WiFiesta can help

How does WiFiesta do it?

Referral Profit Sharing Plans
User Referral Commission
You earn a commission on all gross profits generated from users you referred to WiFiesta for 12 months from referral date

Local Business Sales Commission
You earn a commission on all gross profits generated from businesses you refer to WiFiesta for 12 months from sign-up date

How do I create my business account?

Create Business Profile
Add or Claim Locations
Select Profit Sharing Plans
Select the WiFiesta Tools that server you business needs
Welcome! you grow your business! Discover all that WiFiesta has to offer to help
Other Places where WiFiesta can be Used

Expedite registration
Track attendance for CE credits
Act as a professional networking tool
Live polling of audience
Course evaluation
Ability to create Private Temporary Places

Automatically share event photos amongst all guests in real-time
Request songs from DJ
Chat with other guests
Ability to create Private Temporary Places

Turn hotels into a social and professional hub for solo business travelers
Connect front desk staff with clients
Promote hotel's bars & restaurants to clients